Leadership Team

The Leadership Team is currently made up of an Associate Minister, a Family and Children’s Worker, and elected Deacons, Secretary and Treasurer. We are currently seeking a new Lead Minister. The Leadership Team is involved in all aspects of the life of the church and is responsible to the Church Membership as together we seek to Make Christ Known.

Rev Jonny Hirst – Associate Minister

Rev Jonny Hirst – Minister

Suzie Elkington - family and children’s worker

Paul Reeves - Deacon and church secretary

David Griffith – Deacon

David Griffith – Deacon Church Treasurer

andy moss - deacon

Di Isherwood – Deacon

Di Isherwood – Deacon

Jane Jackson – Deacon

Emma Pemberton – Deacon

Jennifer Wilding - DEACON

Safeguarding Team

Along with the church minister, Martin Midgley, Jo Emberton and Jess Goldie form the Church’s Safeguarding Team which has overall responsibility for safeguarding all children, young people and adults at risk associated with the church and its activities. The church follows the safeguarding guidelines of the Baptist Union and our Safeguarding Policy can be found here:

Kay Street Baptist Church Safeguarding Policy